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Line art illustration for Perfect Afternoon
Aesthetically & logically driven

Branding & Design

Finding the balance between beautiful and usable is at the core of what we do, making your presence speak volumes in a language accessible to all.

Business Brand Guidelines
Orange quarter circle
Orange line art for Perfect Afternoon
Orange line curve for Perfect Afternoon

Detroit Branding Agency

Our creativity is powered by thoughtful research and experience, finding the perfect blend that’s right for you!

  • Lightbulb Icon
    Design & Brand Books
  • UX Logo
    Logo Design
  • Business brand material with letterhead and business card icon
    Brand Materials
Branding UX Icon

Creativity is What Fuels Our Fire

As a leading branding agency in Southeastern Michigan, our passion serves as the driving force behind our creative endeavors, allowing us to excel in every project we undertake. At Perfect Afternoon, we pride ourselves on being a branding agency that transforms visions into tangible realities, crafting compelling brand narratives and visual identities that resonate with target audiences. Our rich history of successful branding projects showcases our capability to produce inventive brand books, apt logo designs, and creative UI designs, all of which are testament to our commitment to excellence and innovation in the field of branding.

Build lasting brand equity

Being a prominent Michigan Creative Branding Agency, we understand the significance of a well-crafted brand identity in today’s competitive market. Our team of creative professionals works tirelessly to ensure that every aspect of your brand, from its visual elements to its core message, is aligned with your business goals and values. This meticulous approach has resulted in a growing portfolio of branding projects that not only stand out but also effectively communicate the unique essence of each brand we work with.

Designing the front-facing look

Thinking of a brand, sometimes all that comes to mind is an emotion or logo, but there’s more to branding than meets the eye. A brand encapsulates the soul of a business (not to sound too dramatic, but really) and ensures cohesion at all levels of communication, both visually and in messaging.

Brand recognition, whether it’s a Google ad, website, or business card, is immediately realized and should ring the same across all mediums. This helps bolster your authority within a space when your audience knows exactly who you are just by seeing one of your brand assets.

Brand Books

This is the home base, the compendium of all assets, personality, history, and whatever else is vital to making the brand look and feel consistent. A brand book can vary quite a bit from company to company because each is unique to its values and goals that the brand exists to carry out.  

The brand book creates guidelines allowing creativity to flourish in a controlled environment. By dictating everything from colors, fonts, and logo use, to voice, tone, and personality, a new hire or vendor can give it a quick read-through and understand how to properly represent the brand in a way that feels authentic and genuine.

Perfect Afternoon Brand Book showing the color palette
PA Branding Logo

Logo Design

Think of your logo as the face of a business. It’s often the first thing users see when they initially engage with your brand, so you want it to feel expressive of who you are. That’s why a custom-crafted logo can roll into aspects of the brand you want to broadcast, whether that’s your friendly attitude, staunch practicality, or vibrant professionalism. Having thoughtful graphic representation helps to stick in users’ minds and stand out against a grid of competitor logos on platforms like Google Maps or Yelp.

Logo Design Process

  • Initial concept sketching

    Initial drawing of an E for Envision Medical Group's new logo.
  • Initial form exploration

    Multiple logo variations for Envision Medical Group.
  • Typography & palette solidification

    Typography and color palette option for Envision Medical Group.
  • Logo variation creation

    Three color logo variation for Envision Medical Group - blue, green, and orange.
Brand book for Envision Medical Group

Brand Materials

Once your logo has been perfected and the brand book has been wrapped, the next logical step is to move on to other branded materials, such as business cards, letterheads, and envelopes, to keep expanding your resources for spreading the word about your brand. These items help promote your business and are great building blocks for making other materials like flyers, digital ads, and more.

Tequila Cabresto brand book created by Perfect Afternoon agency. | Tequila Cabresto Brand Book

The aesthetic of a cohesive, well-branded presentation of your company lends credibility and professionalism to the perception of your customers, both current and potential. Through our maintenance packages, we can support future branded endeavors that may fall out of these categories.

Monstera leaves illustration outline for Perfect Afternoon
Oakland County's Top Branding Agency Corporate Branding Services